In the Bible – 2 Timothy 1:7 – it says “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  What if we really believed this?  Is this true?  If it is why do we all still fear?  What is fear?  What happens to us when we give into fear?  What makes us so scared to live out our own individual identity – the person we were created to be?

We all live life at some point with a fear that we will be rejected, lost, abandoned, insignificant.  We fear that if you do not do what is expected of us by our families, friends, pastors, spiritual leaders, teachers we will not be accepted.  We fear this and then we go about attempting to find love and calm our worries by doing what “they” think we should do.  We live in shame, fear, and doubt.  We live our lives in a place that we were not designed to live in by our creator.

What if there was a place where you did not have to fear this rejection?  A place where those “voices” could be silenced and you could listen to the voice that is yours.  The voice that is God inside of you saying “this is what you were created for!”  You don’t have to be like Peter or Moses or Paul, but the YOU I created you to be!  What if there was a place you could do exactly that – overcome fear and live in power and love and have a sound mind free from worry?

I am sharing my story to help us all overcome the fear that we have to be what others want us to be.  I lived this life for a while.  A life of “what would they think if….”  To live a life of love, power, and a calm mind we must have a powerful psychology and a power spirituality.